Published Dec 29, 2024 | Author:

Trust me, I AM working on it ... a little at a time, but it's been a bit daunting, to be honest. There really are a lot of moving parts, not only to the web site itself, but when it comes to the administrative efforts, programming, promotions, marketing etcetera, etcetera, etcetera! I really want to share so much when it comes to this stream, which is every bit as much of the music as it is the concious awareness when it comes to the NEW and EMERGING CULTURAL MAINSTREAM! Working on learning the new formating for the web site itself, but I AM having a few 'minor' problems in aligning the text, but I AM getting a bit better at it ... as I continue working on the programming aspects as we head into the brand new year 2025! Contact me through my e-mail, if you care to let me know if you're able to see what is unfolding before your eyes and ears - [email protected] This of course is just another test 'blog' as I continue adding images of artists and content. We could use your support, as always ... so please don't be shy! ![]() Perhaps it will inspire me to keep moving a little faster! Having others involved will always give our stream and site, much more character and personality! And that is a good thing. I was told, "Radio is Changing, and people are not listening anymore, because the platforms are changing!" Well, I say, "That is PURE SITTING BULL SHIT!" I know what I AM doing, and what it takes, and this platform is just as good as any that are out there, given the resources at my CURRENT disposal. Yes, it will take more than ONE PERSON, and that's where YOU come in ... If you know me ... help me, make this what I know it can be! Otherwise, keep living your existense and being a part of someone else's world, that really do not know you, as much as you and I have known each other over the years. That's right ... I have been doing this for a very long time ... and it has been a long, hard road with a lot of bumps over the years ... but ... here we are! You want to make a comment? It will help in changing things in the new domain. |