"Well, howdy Do!" It's what 'Panners' (Anne Schultz) would always say when greeting anyone. Sadly, Panners passed into RockandRollHeaven.com a few years ago, after an accident took her life at an early age. She TRULY was a 'Bouncy and Jubilant Soul!' I don't know why I brought up Panners, but I AM sure there is always a reason these days, after living the years that have gotten me this far. And, now ... it looks like we are live on this platform with our new website, and with the likes of Ray Perkins from Woodstock, Alabama. Of course there is so much that has to be done, and it is coming together ... slowly but surely, and Ray has been there as a listener, along with his wife Kathy ... basically from the jump! But, I AM (Mason) now working on the formatting of this new site, adding and editing the content that needs to be added, as much as the programming of our 24/7 stream ... and why I chose to add Ray as a test subject! (He always has the stream on, as much as those that are listening in Kasil, Germany. Yet, I still am waiting on the photo of Ray, wearing his Safety Helmet, hunkered down in the back toilet during a tornado warning, holding a flashlight and a little dog! (Ray is a STAR in his own right! Trust me!) If you start browsing through the site, you will find a few things that I have been adding, but mostly I AM working on the infrastructure for the site with the Artists, the Blogs, The Music and so many of the other elements that are so important to our overall goals. But I still haven't figured out enough of the formatting as yet, but I will! After ALL I believe "WE are the CARETAKERS and CURATORS" of this WONDERFUL PLATFORM dealing in the RETROPHILLIA to the NEOPHILLIA --- it's called "MUSIC for the AGES!" Ray Perkins has been listening to https://www.RockandRollHeaven.net when our platform began on the Jones Satellite Network In 2004 on 139 stations across the United States, and when we first started our stream on December 30th, 2006. We just turned on this NEW site a few days ago, and to tell you the truth, I feel as if we have been here before, in that de'javue scenario ... but I AM working on that novel and thesis in the footsteps of a great physisist like Nikola Tesla. Okay ... you may think of it as a joke, but I AM so serious ... I LOVE that GUY! What a MIND to give me a thought that helps me understanding the theology of Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible ... believing ... All things are possible! Including my goals in acquiring a terrestrial radio station here in Ocala, Florida, along side of our online streaming format. Mark 11:24 (kjv) I LOVE what I have been working on for a very long time now, and I AM very grateful for those who have helped me along the way, and I do plan in telling the story in furtherance of our goals, knowing those people like Judi Neville, Peggy Hunt, Dave and Mary Smith, Christine Daniel, Bill Santo, and a few others that have been and are every bit a part of the story of America's Coast to Coast Entertainment Network. I AM hopeful to see some greater progress in 2025 after all that we have been through, and would like to encourage each of you in becoming a part of our vision for the "Past, Present & Future ... Right Here ... Right Now!" |