Published Dec 29, 2024 | Author:

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It's SUNDAY NIGHT and it is another great music list from Steve Creaturo --- from Wellsville, Ohio ... on the burner for tonight beginning at 6:00pm (et) - meanwhile, we are still working to 'pull it all together' ... even though it's been 18 years for us and 42 years since "The Thing" premiered in theatres across the world in 1982!  https://rockandrollheaven.net/the-year-event/1982
The MUSIC will last throughout eternity - of course depending on those who appreciate it and cling to its character, personality and feel! 
But, we can not make you feel 'The Thing' even if we tried ... that of course is on you! 
But we are here to help in creating the vibe --- but like we keep saying. "we cannot make you 'feel it' --- that my friend remains up to you!"
You most certainly are beginning to awaken to the exterior world as an 'observer' from your innerspace ... and that is only the beginning of a NEW and EMERGING CULTURAL MAINSTREAM! 
We want to make a connection, and offer our insights into the 'reality' of conciousness ... you know it's not that wierd to believe in something else, aside from being subjected to the same ol' bullshit that we've been conditioned to believe! 
So join us in creating something that we feel is worth the TIME and SPACE of existence! It will be something to write home about!
Call our studio if you like, (352) 421-9733 to comment, make a suggestion, leave a request or email what's on your mind!  

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