Published Jan 31, 2025 | Author:

By Mason Ramsey
Published on 01.31/2025 (For the record; I still haven't figured out how to format the text around the images! But, I am working on it!
"What's on my mind?" Are you kidding me?
Are you serious?
There's a LOT on my mind!
How can there not be a LOT on my mind?From what I AM seeing from "IN HERE" it was looking pretty scary 'OUT THERE' and it's not been just the last four years my friend ... this has been unfolding for a very long time!
What follows is esoteric, only because it is exactly what the word means, as a great many may be running for a digital dictionary. Here, let me help … click here to help you better understand.
I don’t know where you’ve been or what you’re doing, much less what you have been hearing or seeing, but from what I see, and if you actually you actually look around and start paying attention to what's going on, putting; 'a few pieces together' … it only makes you want to ask, "What the HELL is this all about?"
"It's BLOODY OBVIOUS isn't it?” If ‘You’ are unable to grasp any comprehension from those things that are being played out in front of you, then GOD help us all! KJV
“What the HELL is wrong with you?” I kept asking this question 99.9999.9% percent of the time when faced with the incontrovertible bullshit emanating from our “Cultural Mainstream” … that ultimately began infecting the entire ‘Operation Fishbowl’ long before this name was assigned to this moment in time as it rolled around in the ‘Present Year 1962!’
Oh it’s still unfolding, but please take notice: The World is NOT what YOU BELIEVE it to BE! Trust me … this goes way beyond any mortal comprehension, and takes some serious reflection from YOUR perspective and your observation. I AM just trying to make sure WE are on the same page here!
Sometimes it seems, as if our reality has been reduced to some great movie quotes, if people are capable of interpreting and understanding the commonality of communications and understanding, for instance; you may or may not get the inference if I were to write “Ray, I don’t think we’re on the same page here” as you see in your mind’s eye, two characters struggling with one another in the basement of a home, four hands on a shotgun, where they are quietly hiding from alien invaders … lurking mere whispered feet away!
It all comes down to what you know, and what you believe! … Whatever it is … I really hope you’re making the right decision! It could affect me, if you’re not careful, because … I know better!
I know what I want to do and what I have been doing, and brother … from what I have witnessed “OUT THERE” we’ve never been in Kansas before, however I believe the balloon is starting to lift off!
Do you think you understand?
Do want to know as much as I think I know?
Do you want to hang around?
Would you want to catch a ride on our ‘Jeepney’ while we’re on the path to the ‘Golden Age OF America?’
I know it is possible “IN HERE” ... because I believe it’s possible “IN HERE” … but … “OUT THERE” is where I AM blending the two realities, and trying damn hard not to freak out!
There is a causational reason that we are experiencing what we are going through … and, of course there’s more … if you want to just kind of want to … follow along.
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